The 49th Great Dorset Steam Fair 2017
The sun shone b
rightly this year over the 650-acre showground for the five days of the show which certainly brought in the crowds. The two aerial pictures give you an idea of the show layout and how our NHBS exhibition fits in to the general scheme of things. We were again situated between the Heavy Horse Section and the Norwich Union Royal Mail Coach and the Swingletree Driving Horses presented by John Parker. On the end of the row in our section was Ali and Ade Garbett The Heavy Horse Enthusiast who since 1991 have produced Gt Dorset Steam Fair brasses for followers of horse and steam power.
Once again horse brass expert Peter Ferguson was at hand with the stand to answer all manner of questions from Society members and other visitors who nowadays often bring brasses for valuation or an opinion. Amongst the many Society members and visitors from all over the world we also welcomed our Chairman and Membership Secretary David & Mary Fletcher.
As usual the day before the show opens time is reserved to scour the vast auto jumble section of the show seeking out brasses to add to the collection. This year’s treasure was a nosebag and strap of nickel harness decoration from Wadworth Brewery Devizes being inspected by John Parker which will fit nicely with the Wiltshire collection.
Each year we encounter someone who has gone the extra mile wearing a costume to fit the occasion, this year was no exception. The Queen celebrates her Sapphire Jubilee and her Platinum Wedding Anniversary, the NHBS have produced a special brass in celebration of both these occasions. Jean Travers displayed an exhibition of fine clothes and fabrics in the collectors section of the show and she was often out and about in her regal outfit.
Above is the winner of the traditional harness class Mr Tumble being scrutinised by judge Nora Willis. Sadly the quality of the picture is poor as it was taken directly into the sun but you might be able to spot two unusual brasses above the breeching strap, they are porcelain centred brasses not generally used because the centres tend to easily drop out or break.
The winner of the decorated harness class for the second year running was Charlotte Webb with Dothan Silver Coin. Six entries in class this year which represents many hours work in cleaning and presenting horse and harness to the highest standards. As well as winning this year’s class Charlotte went through the same routine every day with a demonstration of decorated harness in the ring.
Jim Speed 7.9.17