The 2013 meet, saw an anniversary of sorts as it was our 22nd meeting at this venue since its inauguration back in 1991 by its late organisers, Ron Taplin and Ran Hawthorne. Once again, good numbers were in attendance and we were blessed by some lovely Autumnal weather.
The subject of the competition this year was "Agriculture" and as the pictures below depict, there were various intepretations on this theme. Below; two entries from Ian Jones left, and Joe Evans right, which capture the theme very well indeed!
Below, a modern take on the theme by Jim Speed (left), and the winning entry as voted upon by Diane Hanson. The winning entry was submitted by Mary Fletcher (right), showing the very personal story of her Uncle's brasses, with those in the display being seen in the old photograph, which was taken in 1939.
The next years theme (2014) will be maker brasses so lets hope we get as good a display as we had this year, and well done to all those who took part in this very popular competition!
(Below left, members admiring the winning display)
Later in the day, a presentation was given to Audrey Hawthorne and Jean Taplin (right) for their hard work on their excellent teas over the last 21 years. So well done once again, and we hope you will drop in and see us at forthcoming meetings? The afternoon talk was given by our Society Treasurer, Brian O'Riordan and was entitled "A History of Horse Decoration", from Sumerian times up to the beginning of the horse brass era.
Once again, its was a most enjoyable day, and we hope to see you all again next year.